Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I have these bad habits....

I kept repeating myself," I have a lot of work and i'm busy."
In reality, i did produce something while having my eyes lay on the laptop, fingers on keypad W, A, S, D.

I tried to keep myself awake from late night - early morning wanting to produce something in the end with efficiency.
In reality, flows of avi's and wmv's playing from nite till morning, my efficiency = 30%......unfortunately.

Consequence is, I'm tiring myself slacking to keep the balance between work and pleasure.Honestly, i have to take action in changing my off balance life style by altering the schedule! Most importantly, improve my time management of course.....Really? *doubting*

STPM results finally out!!! FYI, none of my business (Mr Hyde, 满意?) . Recalling those days of struggle between excitement and disappointment, now i only hope those juniors will enjoy the remaining SIX months of torments ahead~ Nah~ Im not that wicked....*wink*

It's been a while i updated my's begin with......


We had quite alot of workshops lately, though i didn't actually attend most of them, but this is the one i actually attend. Recognize the drawing? Familiar? It's Dato Lat signature in my sketch book!!! Sadly, i didn't have the chance to take photograph with him, cuz the photographer off to sumwhr else ad(my camera is officially RIP)..... If u dont noe who is Dato Lat, as a Malaysian, probably u should know Malaysia famous comic "Kampong Boy"? Ey? U can also found his drawing in New Straits Times...

His comics are always about his perception on today's so called "Modern" world, teasing the modern culture but hilariously convey important messages n lessons perhaps our generation had forgotten.

random sketches during his workshop....draw according to his slides...

O.....he's our next project client......... HOLAOEH!!!

Talking about "project" (the term that WynGy afraid the most....), i'm currently working on a staircase for the FAB building. Well, wad to say....hellats of works,as usual. We are to design a structurally impressive staircase for the FAB....
A lousily done working model....Well, at least it is still able to illustrate the general concept. In the drawing, the string and the big D part actually seems like a Pirahna~ Lolz!!

Generally, this project is a lot more peaceful i will said, compared to the last project, when everyone was working in groups. Well, designers "in groups", ya noe ~

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Im On a Right Track and I was Born this way!

Put ya paws up, cuz u were born this way~

After listening for the first for the first few times, honestly, i don't find it as addictive as Just Dance or Telephone, BUT, its catchy, and i was surprised, because i dont really got the same feel of the Gaga from Monster...Yep, juz like ppl on the net wud said, itz really Madonna...THEY SAID itz kinda resemble "Express Urself" of Madonna, which is a great pop hit in d it juz me or wad-so-ever factor it is, i can really hear some "It's so Cool" + "I will Survive" + some "Glee" elements (the way she sings)...........

I was expectin THIS kinda style more....somehow~ Perhaps its more tastier to be a hungry monster?

Well, i admit my expectation is higher, but, her "Bad Romance" used sounds so "eww..." to me and her Alejandro wasn't as catchy and significant as her Telephone...ya noe, itz GAGA~ Lolzz! Eventually she made me listened to her Bad Romance ard 40++ times on itune, as for Alejandro, i lost count of it....
so, wadya' think? ;)

Friday, February 11, 2011


Had the title gotcha' figurin wad it means at first glance?

Ok.....i'll stop making a big round*chin-glish* for the explanation.
E= east, S=South, W=West, and N=North.

Point? No point at all!!! HAHAHAHA *laming.....pls b patient ^^"*

Haven't update since 1st of February, hope its Feb-ulous month, though i do not really have a great start for the month. As i always said, a lot had happened, but here is the thing, u are Born This Way......*continue, after the break*

Born this way, 1st single of her 2nd album, premiere today, 11/2/2011, 6.00am USA time, 7.00pm Malaysia time!!!! Do check out her site. FYI: i do not own this image, its taken from her site!! * Imma so anticipating rite now!!! ><*

*continue*.......such  that no matter how mad or fucked up thing can goes, u will still have to continue living/ keeping track of time. So, y not rock ya way like the world is gonna ends like hell anywayz? Dont get me wrong, my point being, would u prefer to live a slave of things that u can't change ended up insanity, or u can juz live by day with different stories?

I think that is over-share by d wayz, shud stop sharin i guess ;P

O, i haven mention CNY stuff like all the other bloggers did~
To begin with.....Gong Xi Fat Chai!!!!
Guess its not TOO late, even if it still late ;P
CNY is used to be the loveliest celebration in a year, i mean, it still is, anywayz, thanks to the messy yet hectic schedule, most people already vanished by the fourth day of CNY, including me. Dam, i missed the CNY which i have more time to waste around the tv with my family and waiting for my chinese zodiac reading of the year and shandy and PS-ing non stop....Nvm, hopefully next i'll be having 15 days of holidayz during nxt yr CNY, so, imma so anticipatin for the nxt CNY!!!! Applause!!! (Forgot to mention one very serious matter, I MISSED THE FOOD SO DAM FREAKIN BADLY!!!!!)

Im bring my UTM Lean counterpart bak town n PuiSee is showing her new gain UM最高理事
CEO prowess by posing no more "V"
At Kbox wf the guys and the only girl~ Itz always like this!

Huh, my life in Uni is gettin more n more archi ad....We thought 1st sem will b d start of the "Architorture", oni when i bak to UTM after CNY, i realised the true startin is yet to come. People from other courses will always tell me, "Get ya life!"....Duh, of coz i wanted to juz hang out whenever and get to be the most "un-busy" ppl in the uni to join many clubs in the uni and got involved in alot of function/event....blah blah blah. Those are just bubble dreams when u are studyin' architecture. Probably different from other ppl who get into uni, most of the time they just pick this subject with low cutting mark or simply pilih je, i enter architecture with my own will very clear that i want it. So, sometimes, im just tired people saying, especially the "neighborhood" where they will always said "luckily i'm not studying this course". Dunno y but SOMEHOW i get annoyed n i give them this "H.A.H.A" look replying them in my heart, "Urgghh, im unlucky eh?". Am i being sensitive? Nah, simply Fat Lan Zha(in english its frustrated or in modern term frustrated and emo)...Getting alot of worksss to do, not really ;p Simply just some homework for CNY but i kept delaying my work to after CNY, which is the reason why i didn't sleep for the last two day and the 1st few days when i got back to UTM. 
I was really really really sleepy this morning, Dr Rubi asked me how old she is. I said 50++ and she immediately give me this "ALAMAK" respond and wanted to strangle me on the spot. She then explained wanted to contrast n to show how young i am to said im sleepy in the morning, though i think nowadays its the norm of this n the coming generations ;P...Then Sp whisper during the "aftermath", "sui la u!"....Sorry, few days w/o sleeping already makes Kael a noob boy....@@

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Baby January

It's my birthday month, and i didn't have the chance to use any of the birthday month offers, sigh........

Perhaps i'm too busy? Nah, not really.......

Seriously, i really do not have any time to do other things like go to watch movie every weekend, window/target-lock shopping, writing a few drafts for my blog, browsing things i'm interested on the net, day-dreaming, jogging (i dont think it's in my daily routine, though ;P)...

Days passing by faster, and i'm getting  older (*choy!I'm still young wad!*) more mature =)

It's my birthday not long ago(a week ago? XP), luckily it's Sunday, PHEEEWWW~ Sunday is kinda like a stress free day, work free day(not really), class free day, punctuality free day(so dat i can sleep longer..) and argument free day! ;)
 I'm eating Kimchi Ramen~ And it taste not bad, RM16.90 (of coz...=.=)
 Three Hiao Poh (Xc: Wo bu shi!!!)
From left: Gan, Xc, Poh
 WynGy, apparently taking break from emo cycle, enjoying his green tea....

XC expensive Bento...cost almost RM30.00....
 Arrggghhhh!!! Not pain at all.....
I don't need to explain what this indicate....
The 6!!!( one is missing coz buying lady gaga t-shirt for me in SG)
Zhilin: I love that shirt vy much!!! Thx!!!! Imma monster!!!
And of coz, thanks for the cakes!!! I love the Marble Cheesecake!!!

And finally, our(Gan,Cat, and me) baby was born on 27th January, in D'Rimba, Mersing, Johor!!!! It's the shelter project i talked about before, well, as you can see, it's not that much of a tent, since its not waterproof, but, come on, we are to design a "delightful" shelter that celebrates the site and the view!
Its a sculpture, a furniture, and a shelter, mainly just to shade the harsh sunlight by filtering the sun ray with the baby blue fabric. I was worried ALOT before the shelter assembled but after all, it did stand for a very long time, i would expect it to be the least stable of all, but it turns out it can withstand the strong winds n stand for a nite (IF w/o rain XP)! Well, the shelter making trip is really delightful, in the sense that we can see our absurd design taking form in real life, regardless the crits and the assessment, woo~ Simply amazing! By the way.....the sea over there is not much of a sea, since it dunnot smell like the actual sea did... XP

 Me lay down in my shelter~ not completely comfortable as u can see ;P
My China friend, Meow Shi, i call him, Cat
The owner of the beach said there are raw gold ores around the shores, but im not digging it ;P
Morning breeze......