Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Games? Bring it On!!! Part I

Lost my inspiration, really, don't know what to write. My brain was being consumed by my dear PS3 games, probably it takes the shape of a joystick obsessed that i'd finished 3 games (2 and a half basically) within 2 weeks, almost thoroughly(I didn't unlock ALL the trophies, though).....

All this time, i'd been playing.......


Is killing angels makes someone a villain?
If any of u said "Yes", think twice after u play this game.
The Angels are devils, but the devils are still devils ;).

 There is a game called "Devil May Cry", famous for its character's  attitude and game concept. For those who are strangers to these kinda games, have u ever heard some hero said "fuck off!", or "U naughty angels deserved a lil spank~"?

 Its a really fun game and u will find a few interesting elements inside the game. The naughty, mysterious, and feminine elements within the game matched perfectly without spoiling the fun of actions.

Reasons i love this game?
1. MC is a "representative" from hell, as opposing to those of heaven, Angels.
2. U can breakdance during the fight! Cool!
3. Firing bullets with ur legs!
4. Naughty combat style(some might refer it as slutty)
5.U have a main character that do a lil' pole dance to provoke the enemies.
6. The clothing of bayonetta that u see on the right are made of her hair!( Except for the shoes and the accessories)
7.Using hair to summon Infernal Demon (Wsshhh)
8.Stylish game, and there'll be sum S&M style special attack, too..Uber Witch!
9. Fly Me To The Moon~
Summoning the Infernal Demon from Hell with her hair... (and almost nude...)

This is how the angels look like in the game (monstrous, not delicate or gracious at all)

Bayonetta concept art
Advertising board found in the subway station in Japan. Those covering the bodies are actually stickers, which means.....Hmm...a unique way to advertise.

The trailer of Bayonetta....

Fly Me to the Moon, one of the theme songs in the game, enjoy the video below, in which Bayonetta pole dancing at the ending credit with the song. Nice graphic too! U shud watch it!

To be continued on the next post, juz to avoid Looooong post...

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