Friday, October 21, 2011

Where is the Love?

 "In a hopeless place", Rihanna answered.

The video is about the juxtaposition of love and addiction. It's full of drugs, scumbags erotica n alcoholic bath.....Personally, i do fall in love with the video, mostly because of the message of the video and its videography. Prob once(or none at all? ;P) in ur lifetime u might catch into some bad romance, truthfully speaking, i had one of those in my distant past, too. Of coz, no drugs+sex+money+dirty things involved. ;)

Most of the time, be it it love, family or friendship, we should learn to STOP thinking at certain points. Im not a life guru, but, trust me, u are not solving anything at all. It is just u and the overflowing questions that drown u. =)

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